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Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change Begins Public Hearings

Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change
Begins Public Hearings

by Patricia Miles Patterson

The Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change is a bold acknowledgement by Governor Tony Evers that climate change poses a direct threat to Wisconsin’s way of life. Established in October 2019 by executive order, science-informed and action oriented, the goal is to define a path whereby every Wisconsin resident is able to grow up in a safe, clean environment and thrive in their chosen occupation. Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes is its chair.

Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes chairs the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change.

The establishment of the task force was highlighted in Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes’ weekly radio address on October 17, 2019 (linked here). In his address, Lt. Gov. Barnes said, “When I was sworn in as the lieutenant governor, I vowed to focus my efforts on the core principles of equity and sustainability. This task force, along with the Office of Sustainability and Clean energy, will fall along those same lines. Through a lens of environmental justice, these 31 individuals from every part of our state are going to help do the work that will get Wisconsin to a carbon-free clean energy future. While the goal is 100 percent by 2050, I believe we can do it much sooner.”

Governor Evers’ selected Task Force members include industry professionals, youth activists, elected local and Tribal officials, entrepreneurs, and state government leaders from across the state. Lt. Gov. Barnes has charged these members with developing climate change strategies that ensure burdens and benefits are uniformly distributed over the entire population, regardless of economic status or skin color. Climate scientists, subject matter experts and the public serve as consultants.

A newly created website allows public access to the inner workings of the Task Force. Look for the links on the blue toolbar near the top of the Task Force web page to view member biographies, group agendas, minutes and videos of presentations from the members and consultants. Videos impart information about environmental racism, impacts of climate change, tribal approaches to climate change, building and mapping healthy communities, sustainable dairy practices, proposed climate-friendly transportation and energy programs, and singular challenges that small communities face.

Three subcommittee meetings are not yet online so must be viewed live: Healthy Communities and Strong Economy, Land Use and Conservation, and Energy, Housing and Infrastructure. But comments can be entered on the website.

Recently, the Land Use and Conservation Subcommittee benefitted from the environmental justice expertise of member Kirsten Shead, Co-Executive Director of Milwaukee Water Commons. Under Shead’s guidance, committee members identified participation barriers for the Amish community, people of color in farming communities (40% of Wisconsin farm workers are people of color) and urban communities of color. Comprehensive stakeholders’ inclusion is essential as subcommittee recommendations take shape.

The Task Force is now in the public hearing phase. This is your chance to tell your climate story, to urge the committee to propose bold and equitable goals to address climate change, or to offer your input about your policy concerns. Two hearings have already been held. Upcoming hearings are scheduled for:

  • Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 6–8 p.m.

  • Thursday, July 9, 2020, 6–8 p.m.

  • Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 6–8 p.m.

This is your time to take action by participating in these upcoming hearings. To submit your written recommendation, just click on the website submission link. After submitting your recommendations, please send a quick email to patricamilespatterson615@gmail.com with the text, “I acted to protect our planet.”

Splash photo of END CLIMATE INJUSTICE sign by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

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