League of Women Voters® of Dane County

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Car Free for the Climate: A 350 Madison Event

350 Madison members deserve a special shout-out for pledging to go car free during the organization’s current fundraising event. This special guest blog does just that. We hope you will also consider joining the LWVDC for our November 9 virtual forum Kicking Carbon to the Curb: Ordinary People Doing Ordinary Things, making transportation alternatives to the personal car more accessible, affordable, comfortable, and secure. Here we will tackle winter transportation alternatives by inviting attendees to join our Transportation Options Challenge—citizen science at its best—try the alternatives, share your experiences, recommend the improvements that really matter. Stay tuned for details! 

The splash photo by Steve Pyle is called Stonehenge Boulder.

Car Free for the Climate:
A 350 Madison Event

By Emily Park

Concerned citizens often wonder what they can do to help solve the climate crisis. We at 350 Madison, the local action group of the international organization 350.org, have an answer. 

With our eyes on accelerating wider-scale course corrections, we support lowering our daily carbon contributions through efficient energy consumption at home, and adopting a climate-friendly diet helps. But a big one is reducing our reliance on fossil fuel–powered transportation. So we have challenged our members to modify their daily habits for our latest fundraiser—Car Free for the Climate (C4C). This event challenges climate activists to lead by example, pledging for our friends and family to go car-free between September 15 and October 15.

Our mission is to ensure a sustainable future for all, and reducing atmospheric carbon levels is key. Current carbon dioxide levels are hovering around 419 parts per million (ppm) this year, and yet 350 ppm is the maximum acceptable level of carbon dioxide to sustainably support life. For sure, major system-wide changes on a scale only government can pull off are necessary. But strong, local citizen engagement offers plenty of power to help—changes to individual habits and to our culture.

C4C participants are demonstrating climate-friendly lifestyle shifts that aren’t all-or-nothing; small or partial changes make an impact. Some pledge to bike or walk to all destinations within 3 miles, others go car-free only a few days a week. Everyone’s capacity and ability to go car-free is different; the important thing is to find changes that will last because they work within your lifestyle and obligations!

Our hope is that by encouraging people to consider the climate in every aspect of their lives, our society as a whole will evolve to be climate-conscious in all areas. We’re lucky to live in a city where many parts are accessible by bus and bike-friendly infrastructure is in place. But there’s always more that can be done to support bike commuters, and there are certainly ways our public transit system can improve. 

We believe that the true power of changing personal habits will influence system-wide changes. Leaving our fossil fuel-reliant culture (in transportation, agriculture, infrastructure, and industry) behind will require widespread pressure from motivated activists and voters advocating for the systemic changes that a livable climate desperately needs.

350 Madison is excited that our C4C fundraiser has also allowed us to forge local connections. For example, Madison Bikes is co-sponsoring our event, and several local bike shops have donated generous prizes! Car Free for the Climate is going until October 15, and it’s never too late to get involved! Visit this page to register, or visit 350madison.org or our social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) to learn more about our work!

350 Madison is an unstoppable movement of everyday people, working together to build a fossil-free future powered by 100% renewable energy. We offer a wide range of meaningful ways to engage on climate change. Together, we are making a difference!

Below: C4C participant Kathleen Fitzgibbon reports that going car-free changed her community experience. On her first day, being out in Madison’s beautiful fall weather and seeing wildlife she would have been missed from a car was pure joy . . . not sitting in rush-hour traffic was a major bonus! Kathleen is detailing her experiences to motivate her family, friends and colleagues to make changes in their own lives.


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