Subscriptions and Archives

Weekly Enews

Every Tuesday, subscribers to this list receive an update from LWV Dane County with information about upcoming events, action alerts, news, and opportunities for engagement to make the most of your league membership. You can update your member interests, forward the email to a friend, or unsubscribe, using links at the bottom of the email.

Bulletin Newsletter

The Bulletin is a monthly-ish newsletter that includes a message from the league president, notice of new members, acknowledgement of donors, and feature articles profiling projects, issues, members and events. Subscribers receive an emailed Bulletin that includes a link at the top to a PDF version that you can print or read online.

Public Issues Forums

Our League holds public issues forums on topics of interest to our members, in alignment with our established policy positions. Our program committee produces study/resource materials to supplement the program and stimulate discussion and action from our members. You will find information about each forum along with links to the study/resource materials and video of each program on the forum pages.

On the Forums page, click the View Event button to see all the related information about a forum of interest.

Recordings of our virtual forums are also available on our YouTube channel.

Use the button below to subscribe to any of the LWVDC publications: Weekly Enews, monthly Bulletin, forum announcements.

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