Be A Donor

We are at a critical moment for American democracy and the League of Women Voters of Dane County needs your support to empower voters and defend democracy. Donate today to ensure all voters have a fair and equal opportunity to register and cast their ballot.

Jean Jacobson

“It is important that all eligible voters be able to participate and vote in our democracy. The League of Women Voters of Dane County is a nonpartisan organization that provides outreach opportunities to not only educate voters on community issues, but also offers quick and easy voter registration. Their efforts to encourage informed voter turnout is the primary reason I donate to the League.

As a former Treasurer of the League, I have seen firsthand the funds required to support the many facets of the League’s work. The primary source of these funds are donations by both League members and the general public. I am proud to say I support the League as a volunteer and as a financial donor.”

Gordon Ridley

“Voters not voting, bizarre districting, money in all the wrong places, partisanship...the list of frustrations with our democracy has grown to epic proportions. I wondered how citizens could change this without falling into the same morass.

This led me to the League of Women Voters of Dane County, a group trying to restore some of the fundamental features of our democracy.”

The League is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization whose purpose is to promote informed and active participation of citizens in government at all levels. Your donation supports the vital work of the League.

Voter registration at Union South

End-of-Year Fundraiser

Rent, staff, outreach materials. Our thousands of hours of volunteer time also require an office, professional support staff, supplies, and equipment.

Thanks to your generosity, we met our $10,000 match challenge! And . . .

We surpassed our end-of-year fundraising goal of $50,000! You broke the thermometer with $56,661!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for setting us up with the resources we need to educate and engage voters for the elections of 2025.

The League is a non-profit, non-partisan, national organization whose purpose is to promote informed and active participation of citizens in government at all levels.

Your sustaining donation will provide an important ongoing source of income. It will help ensure that the vital mission of the League of Women Voters of Dane County will continue for years to come.

The League is a non-profit, non-partisan, national organization whose purpose is to promote informed and active participation of citizens in government at all levels. Bequests or donations made in memory of an individual will be directed to the Memorial Fund of the League of Women Voters of Dane County, Inc. The Memorial Fund has been in existence since 1967 and will sustain our mission in perpetuity.

Clipping from The Capital Times, April 25, 1927.
The Ogg Fund was the first bequest to LWVDC.

Clip from the Capitol Times about her trip to Washington to attend the national League council in 1929.