Transportation Options Challenge


Let’s pitch in, Dane County! Meeting our climate commitments means stepping up and stepping out—of our personal travel habits. Doing this as a community will make all the difference. Here’s how:

Tune in Tuesday, Nov. 9, to our Public Issues Forum. Our speakers will bring everyone up to speed on the ever-improving transportation options Dane County has to offer, so that we can safely walk, bike, take the bus, a cab or ride share where we need to go.

Next, sign up to participate in the Transportation Options Challenge by filling out this brief questionnaire. Its purpose is simple—collect basic information about Challenge participant’s vehicle age and amount of use so we can collectively motivate one another qualitatively to bring about some level of change in our personal vehicle use.

Is this going to be a burden? Absolutely not! We made it simple. The short survey records the age and mileage of your vehicles and tells us where to deliver your custom reusable shopping bag and some free bus passes to get you started. We will conclude the challenge with one short survey in late March to update and document the mileage of your vehicles. That’s it.

Next, give the modes that work for you a try from November to March, leaving that beloved car behind whenever possible.

Then share your experiences—what worked, what didn’t, what needs to change. Recommend the improvements that really matter. This is citizen science at its best!

We will be with you every step of the way through monthly emails with hints and reminders about how to think differently about alternative transportation approaches that don’t add miles to personal vehicle odometers. We will invite you to check in via email or contribute to our Swinging for the Fences blog to share your latest experience, be it funny, frustrating or just right.

Does the winner get a prize? The real prize will be if we in Dane County can make our climate commitments a reality. But the best prize will be our sharing community of ordinary people doing ordinary things to help create an extraordinary energy and environmental future! Specific questions can be directed to, 608-232-9447 or

[Download a copy of the challenge to print.]