Blue Marble

Blue Marble

The Blue Marble is an image of Earth taken on December 7, 1972, by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft on its way to the Moon.

The photo inspired a poem/song for a children’s television show, The Big Blue Marble Show, a half-hour children's television series that ran from 1974 to 1983. The author, Laurie Van der Hart, rewrote the poem to reflect the current state of our blue marble.

Our climate blog team has selected this poem as the final blog of 2019, with the hope that it will inspire all of us to act to protect our blue marble in the years to come.

Image courtesy NASA Johnson Space Center Gateway to Astronaut Photography of EarthPublished January 31, 2001. Data acquired December 7, 1972

Image courtesy NASA Johnson Space Center Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

Published January 31, 2001. Data acquired December 7, 1972


The Big Blue Marble?

By Laurie Van der Hart

The earth's a Big Blue Marble
When you see it from out there
The sun and moon declare
Our beauty's very rare
Earth's a Big Blue Marble
In Space'

But... closer, looking closer
We zoom in and see: 

The earth's a dried out prune
Shriveled up, dehydrating
Browner, getting browner
As deserts grow and forests burn
Roads and buildings replacing
Grass and shrubs and trees
Green gives way to brown

The earth's a plastic ball
Shimmering its artificial light
From oceans of floating muck
Suffocating the sea-life 
The journey's end of greed
And our throwaway society
All the glamour in one ugly heap

The earth's a grey-brown cloud 
Of dirty fumes and smoke 
A marble that rolled in the mud
Poison gases that choke 
Once-thriving life and obscure
Its beautiful hues of green and blue
Like a sight-blocking cataract

The earth's a burning missile 
Shooting through space
Hot spots everywhere
The world is ablaze
With strife; conflict is rife
The earth's a wounded eye
Dripping blood
Blinded and screaming through time

Now we are afraid 
As our troubles do not fade
We get closer, ever closer
To the brink of disaster
Who has the power 
And the will
To put on the brakes? 
Who will wipe off the smog? 
Who will bind up the bleeding flesh? 
Who will clean up the seas? 
Who will shine up the planet
On his jacket
And make it sparkle again
So that we once more may marvel
At the Big Blue Marble
In space?

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This blog is written by LWVDC’s Climate Team. If you receive blog posts by email, our system automatically inserts “by Brook Soltvedt.” Brook is the webmaster, not the author of the blog.