The League of Women Voters of Dane County (LWVDC) is made up of over 400 members who contribute to the programming, community work, and priorities of the organization in carrying out our mission to empower voters and defend democracy. LWVDC is governed by a Board of Directors, composed of members who serve as elected and appointed directors. Officers and elected directors are chosen by the membership at the Annual Meeting. All members of the board are volunteers. The Board of Directors acts at a strategic level, guided by a strategic plan.

Who We Are

Sue Jennik and Earnestine Moss tabling at Juneteenth 2024

What We Stand For

The League of Women Voters is a national organization, comprising state, regional, and local leagues. Our educational and advocacy work comes after studying and debating issues, coming to consensus, and voting on priorities for action. Policy positions at the national level are updated and affirmed by the membership at the biennial national convention and published as Impact on Issues. LWV of Wisconsin positions are updated or reaffirmed by the membership at the annual meeting. Find details about LWV Wisconsin positions on issues and their registered positions on bills currently before the state legislature. Read LWVDC statements made in support of positions in the areas of Administration of Justice, Government Responsibilties and Procedures, Natural Resources, School Districts, and Social Policy.

The League of Women Voters of Dane County has a long history in Dane County. In fact, the League of Women Voters of Dane County started on May 22, 1920, just three months after the state league formed on February 20. The group elected Mrs. Walter Ayer to be their president. 

The LWVDC held their first annual meeting one year later. 

Other leagues began to form around the county in the 1920s: 1924, Stoughton; 1927, Mazomanie; date unknown, Middleton.

Also in 1927, the LWVDC changed its name to the League of Women Voters of Madison. In addition, the New Voters League at the University of Wisconsin organized and became known as the “Collegiate League.”

At a joint meeting of the League of Women Voters of Middleton and the League of Women Voters of Madison on April 26, 1971, the two merged to once again form the League of Women Voters of Dane County. Other smaller groups followed in becoming part of the county league.

Our History

LWV Dane County Centennial Commemoration.

The celebration of our centennial in 2020 was cut short by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, but not before we produced this Centennial Commemoration booklet.


The Board of Directors oversees the business and activities of the league, working at a strategic level, currently guided by the Strategic Plan. The board has overall responsibility for the direction of the organization, providing oversight while delegating details to the various steering committees. They are responsible for developing strategic plans for the organization and ensuring there are ongoing efforts to carry out the goals of the current strategic plan. 

The Board of Directors is composed of the following elected members: President, Vice President of Governance, Vice President of Operations, Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Program and Advocacy, Director of Voter Service and up to three additional “at-large” board members. The board has the authority to fill up to three open board positions by appointment between elections.

The Executive Committee of the Board consists of the President, Vice President(s) and one or two other Board members as needed to bring the committee number to four. The Committee operates as directed by the LWVDC Bylaws and Policies and Procedures. The Committee carries out annual staff reviews, handles confidential staff matters, and is the lead on planning onboarding activities for the incoming board.

Board Members

  • Sue Jennik head shot

    Sue Jennik

    2024-2025 Executive Committee

    A native of Wisconsin, Sue returned after spending several decades working in New York City as a labor attorney. As Director of Program and Advocacy, Sue and her team presented programs on important issues for our members and the public. She also serves on the Legislative Committee for the state League focusing on labor and employment issues. For recreation, Sue spends time with her son and his family and enjoys knitting and hiking. Contact Sue Jennik at

  • Gordon Ridley head shot

    Gordon Ridley

    2024-2025 Executive Committee

    Gordon Ridley joined the LWVDC in 2021 following retirement from UW–Madison, where he served as an administrator at the School of Medicine and Public Health and the UW Hospital for 30 years. He also volunteers as a literacy tutor in the Madison Metropolitan School District. Contact Gordon Ridley at

  • Avatar

    Patti Schubert

    2024-2025 Executive Committee

    After more than 20 enjoyable years as a Technical Solutions Consultant/ Salesperson, Patti is excited to return to an early and ongoing joy and passion. She welcomes the opportunity to focus on civic engagement, education, connections, and collaboration for a stronger democracy. Her motto: Let’s all learn! Let’s all vote! Let’s also listen, enjoy life, and laugh. Contact Patti Schubert at

  • Kathy Annen head shot

    Kathy Annen


    Prior to retirement, Kathy served as the Finance Officer of the Wisconsin Legislative Council, a nonpartisan legislative service agency. She was involved in various administrative, technical and financial functions of the agency and of the Legislature. She’s a member of the Judicial Integrity Working Group. Kathy grew up on a small dairy farm, which has been in the family since 1850. Her pastimes include reading, walking and spending time with her children and grandchildren. Contact Kathy Annen at

  • Mary Strait head shot

    Mary Strait


    Mary is a retired civil engineer, and worked at the DOT as a highway designer and as an airport program manager. Since 2016, she has chaired and co-chaired a social justice group at her church, focusing on voter and immigrant justice. In this role, she tracks legislation and sends action item suggestions to an email list of about 90 people, and organizes and leads educational/advocacy events. She has participated in LWV voter registration events the past five years or so. Mary is also a poll worker in Fitchburg. Contact Mary Strait at

  • Marti Stamper head shot

    Martha Stamper


    Martha (Marti) Stamper, Director of Program and Advocacy, is a practicing psychologist. After helping other find their voice, Dr. Stamper joined the league to follow her own advice. As a member of the LWV for over 20, and having served in multiple roles, she continued her service to the league when she moved to Wisconsin in the program and advocacy committee. When not at work, she enjoys sampling local restaurants, outdoor activities, and exploring creativity through crochet. Contact Martha Stamper at

  • Beth Fultz head shot

    Beth Fultz


    Beth Fultz started her leadership role with LWVDC by heading up outreach on the UW campus in 2021 and now leads the mammoth voter outreach arm of LWVDC as Director of Voter Service. Her career experience in strategic communications at UW Health prepared her well for this critically important role. In her spare time, Beth paints and sells her art work. She believes democracy is a team sport and works best when everyone gets involved. Contact Beth Fultz at

  • Jill Jokela head shot

    Jill Jokela

    2024-25 Executive Committee

    Jill Jokela is serving her second term leading the Fund Development team to keep the lights on at LWVDC and bring in the resources we need to fulfill our mission. A career spent as an IT manager gave her a knack for systems thinking, an asset for the Rube Goldberg machine known as LWVDC. Jill shares her talents as a volunteer with several organizations in the Madison area, and still finds time to visit her adult children in Colorado, and enjoy outdoor pastimes. Contact Jil Jokela at

  • Amanda Hingst head shot

    Amanda Hingst


    Amanda Hingst began her involvement in the LWVDC with the Program Committee in the summer of 2022 and has been the editor of the League’s monthly Bulletin since January 2023. She has spent the last 16 years working in communication at Epic, with a focus on medical billing—quite a change from her previous career as a historian of medieval Europe. She enjoys reading, running, hiking, gardening, and outdoor photography. Contact Amanda Hingst at

  • Gail Krc head shot

    Gail Krc


    Gail Krc was a program evaluator for the State of Wisconsin at the Departments of Public Instruction and Health from 1968 to 2010. After she retired, she became a Special Registration Deputy and poll worker for the City of Middleton. Her current work for the League includes serving as senior liaison for Middleton, coordinating the municipal clerk project, and being the liaison to the Way Forward Resources (formerly MOM) food pantry. Contact Gail Krc at

League Staff

  • Kerry Helmer


  • Michelle Phillips


Our Teams

  • Program and Advocacy

    This team develops educational programs and advocacy campaigns on issues of public concern consistent with positions adopted by the League of Women Voters at all levels.

    They set long-term goals for encouraging member engagement and action in various public policy issue areas, through educational forums, unit discussion groups, book discussions, and other events.

    The team develops action campaigns that reflect and engage member interests and promote the policy priorities identified by the national and state Leagues. Long-established traditions include the semi-annual Adopt-a-Highway project, and the annual Lively Issues Luncheon.


    Chair: Marti Stamper
    Ex-officio, Sue Jennik, President

  • Voter Service

    The Voter Service Steering Committee’s mission is to provide citizens with unbiased factual information and nonpartisan assistance to register and prepare to vote. The work is done through direct voter support, collaborative voter outreach, and government collaboration. Voter Service collaborates with the Program Committee to help the public understand the way that local, state and the federal government make decisions that affect them.

    Areas of outreach include community events, students in high school, at UW–Madison, Edgewood College, and Madison College, apartment dwellers, seniors, and unhoused voters. Voter Service also also provides liaisons to libraries and to municipal clerks in Dane County.

    Voter Service publishes candidate responses to questions through, and as Candidates’ Answers in print, interviews candidates for Know Your Candidates videos for the City of Madison, and provides moderators for candidate forums.

    Voter Service volunteers participate in the Dane County Voter ID Coalition, which does outreach to food pantries, leads canvasses, sponsors the Voter Helpline, and funds transportation to the DMV.


    Co-Chairs: Mary Detert and Beth Fultz
    Gail Bliss
    Barb Feeney
    Kathy Fullin
    Shirley Haidinger
    Jill Jokela
    Paul Lindquist
    Kathy Shurts
    Brook Soltvedt
    Ex-officio, Sue Jennik, President

  • Member Service

    The Member Service Steering Committee promotes a diverse and engaged membership and member retention strategy, and is involved in leadership development and volunteer recognition. The committee’s duties include recruitment and outreach to potential members; new member orientation and welcome to help connect new members to our work; volunteer recognition. The committee sees that volunteers report their hours, which are in turn reported annually to the national League. Each year the committee ensures that our member survey remains current and aligned with our activities.


    Chair: Barb Feeney
    Andrea Diss-Torrance
    Margaret Fuguitt
    Sally Gleason
    Lynne Ostrowski
    Kimmie Rooney
    Mary Ellen Schmit
    Patti Schubert
    Ex-officio, Sue Jennik, President

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

    The DEI team assists League leadership in implementing our DEI policy. They develop recommendations, ideas for educational opportunities, and ways for members to learn from and experience diverse communities in Dane County. The team seeks to expand LWVDC’s connections with other organizations that reach diverse populations and intentionally works to maintain connections, plan joint activities as appropriate, and promote advocacy actions consistent with LWV positions on issues.


    Chair: Dawn Zimmerman
    Barb Feeney
    Lisa Janairo
    Earnestine Moss
    Louise Robbins
    Susan Rosenbek
    Mary Ellen Schmit
    Ex-officio, Sue Jennik, President

  • Fund Development

    The Fund Development Steering Committee develops strategies to financially support the mission and work of the League. They establish a fundraising approach for the fiscal year, raising funds from members and non-members. They research new prospects and create new
    ways to build relationships while retaining existing effective means.


    Chair: Jill Jokela
    Chris Clements
    Jean Jacobson
    Debby Meyer
    Gordon Ridley
    Ex-officio, Sue Jennik, President

  • Finance

    The Finance Steering Committee oversees the finances of the organization to ensure the proper recording of revenues and disbursements and that the proper controls are in place; reviews financial reports; and ensures that tax and other government reports are filed on a timely basis. The Committee also oversees insurance matters. The committee members are appointed by the Board per LWVDC Bylaws.


    Chair: Kathy Annen, Treasurer
    Assistant Treasurer - Julie Allen
    Sybil Better
    At Large Director - Amanda Hingst
    Helen Horn
    Paul Lindquist
    Ex-officio, Sue Jennik, President

  • Nominating Committee

    The Nominating Committee develops a slate of candidates to fill open Board positions, to be voted upon by LWVDC members at the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee nominates a chair and two members for the following year, also to be elected at the Annual Meeting. *Appointed by the Board of Directors.


    Chair: Barb Feeney
    Margaret Fuguitt
    Lisa Hassenstab
    * Director Gail Krc

  • Investment

    The Investment Committee s responsible for monitoring the investments in the Memorial Trust Fund. The committee is authorized to work with a qualified investment advisory service to manage the portfolio. The committee consists of the Treasurer and at least two more members appointed by the Board of Directors at the first Board Meeting of the fiscal year.


    Treasurer - Kathy Anen
    Helen Horn
    Caroine Liedtke
    Ex-officio, Sue Jennik, President